Buffalo Launches a New Storage Disk For Networks

Buffalo release their newest device the disk LinkStation LS-XL single-drive which is considered multi storage disk is used as storage unit for several devices connected with one network, the new disk follow the standards of DLNA and can be used with many devices such as TVs, Computers, Apple Mac devices, consoles games platforms, smartphones and tablets.

The new disk comes with dimensions 45 x 150 x 175 mm and weight nearly 1KG and will be available for 195$ for 1TB, 260$ for 2TB, 327 for 3TB, also it is supplied with silent cooling with very high efficiency to make the disk very quiet.

The new disk gets its power from an external power-supply, the connecting interface of the disk is a wireless network with speed 1Gbps allowing it to connect directly to the web or to connect to the Local Area Network (LAN), it is also supplied with auto switching on and off so you can adjust it for certain times to switch on and off without the need to switch it manually, the new disk will come with 1 year guarantee and is expected to hit Japanese markets in the middle of this month.

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