Researchers: 2014 Will be the year to begin lauching DDR4 RAMs, and End of DDR3 in 2015

iSuppli have come out and said that DDR3 modules will remain the dominant DRAM tech throughout 2011 and flowing right into 2012, 2013 and even into 2014 before DDR 4 arrives in its next-generation glory.
DDR3 RAM currently represents 85 to 90-percent of today's DRAM market and that will swell to 94-percent by 2013. But in 2014, iSuppli is predicting that DDR4 will emerge out of the flames of the DRAM market with a 12-percent share, within a year they expect this number to expand to 56-percent leading DDR3 with just 42-percent of the market.


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